ARBN: 21168524810 PNG IPA 1-111276

advernture PNG Tours
Papua New Guinea – the ultimate destination for adventure seekers

If you're seeking real adventure, Papua New Guinea is your dream destination. Known for its wild, untamed landscape, it offers travellers everything from lush rainforests and rugged mountains to beautiful beaches and coral reefs. ...

The Kokoda Track
Recent Issues with Kokoda Operator and Kokoda Track Authority of Papua New Guinea Highlight Importance of Responsible Tourism Practices

Recent events involving a lone Kokoda Operator and the Kokoda Track Authority of Papua New Guinea (PNG) have highlighted the need for Responsible Tourism Practices when conducting tours on the Kokoda Track. ...

2 years ago – Kokoda was closed. IT IS FINALLY OPEN !!

2 years ago today we were hit with the reality that all our ANZAC Day Kokoda expeditions would be cancelled due to this strange COVID19 bug. No one back then could have predicted the enormity of the situation we were facing as a tourism industry, and South Sea Horizons certainly didn’t expect the length of time on the sidelines (sorry rugby analogy)....

Lauren’s Kokoda Track Experience

This month I finished an amazing trek on the Kokoda trail and the thing that stuck out the most to me was the generosity and humility of the local people. They opened up their homes and villages to us and were the most inspiring and happy communities of people I have ever met....

Wallaby Walks Kokoda with South Sea Horizons

Former Waratah Al Manning runs a locally sourced and lead PNG Tourism business called South Sea Horizons, and he just mentioned that it would be awesome to get me up on the Kokoda Track at some point. That started the conversation. It quickly became apparent to me that it was something that if I didn’t seize the opportunity today then who knows when the chance would arrive again to do it with South Sea Horizons....

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