ARBN: 21168524810 PNG IPA 1-111276

Personal Travel Manager Experiences the Heart of Papua New Guinea

Venture into the more remote islands of Papua New Guinea and you’ll find rich and varied cultures, fascinating history and stunning scenery that’s still relatively untouched. TravelManagers’ Maria Pandalai recently returned from a very special famil to this very special part of the world, hosted by South Sea Horizons....

South Sea Horizons - Working with University of Natural Resources
South Sea Horizons Inspires Responsible Tourism Advocacy among UNRE Students in East New Britain

South Sea Horizons, a leading tourism organization in the Papua New Guinea, commends the aspiring tourism students of the University of Natural Resources and Environment (UNRE) at Vudal for their dedication to studying tourism and striving to learn better standards. Recognizing the untapped potential of tourism as a valuable resource in East New Britain, South Sea Horizons emphasizes the significance of responsible tourism practices to foster employment opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the region....

Recent Issues with Kokoda Operator and Kokoda Track Authority of Papua New Guinea Highlight Importance of Responsible Tourism Practices

Recent events involving a lone Kokoda Operator and the Kokoda Track Authority of Papua New Guinea (PNG) have highlighted the need for Responsible Tourism Practices when conducting tours on the Kokoda Track. ...

Taking responsible travel locally in Papua New Guinea

South Sea Horizons places a strong emphasis on conducting low-impact tours that are mindful of the environment we travel through. The main aim is to assist the local communities visited to develop tourism products of their own that are sustainable and easily managed by that community. This in turn builds on a commitment to provide jobs as an equal opportunity employer including management, guides, porters, historians and cooks. ...

Getting to Papua New Guinea

When considering travelling to Papa New Guinea, South Sea Horizons guests are encouraged to recognise the Papua New Guinea rules and regulations. Entering under the proper visa is essential, and travellers must have a valid passport that does not expire within six months of their travel into Papua New Guinea. You are responsible for ensuring that you have the appropriate visa or right to obtain a visa on arrival in Papua New Guinea before commencing your travel. There may be adverse consequences if you attempt to enter Papua New Guinea without proper visa or entry permits....

2 years ago – Kokoda was closed. IT IS FINALLY OPEN !!

2 years ago today we were hit with the reality that all our ANZAC Day Kokoda expeditions would be cancelled due to this strange COVID19 bug. No one back then could have predicted the enormity of the situation we were facing as a tourism industry, and South Sea Horizons certainly didn’t expect the length of time on the sidelines (sorry rugby analogy)....

The Iarqi

Papua New Guinea is a land so diverse and filled with many cultures and spiritual beliefs. Many Papua New Guinea cultures relate to villagers and their relationships with the forests they inhabit. In the East New Britain Forests, Papua New Guinea, a spirit called the Iarqi is believed to have healing powers and occasionally visits the Uramot people. ...

The Lingaga _ Bainings Firedance

Many Papua New Guinea cultures follow a series of cultural events and processes when morning the passing of a village member. Depending on the cultural status of the deceased, some cultures have special performances to signify the beginning and end of the mortuary process. The Bainings people of the East New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea have a unique method of mourning their dead....

Papua New Guinea- open for tourist 2022

Papua New Guinea tour operators are now receiving guests in 2022. ...

Cultural tours - Papua New Guinea festivals
Cultural Tourism in Papua New Guinea

There is little doubt that the Covid-19 Pandemic has dramatically affected the tourism industry worldwide. And it has been a disaster for the entire tourism industry, causing crippling financial stress on all tourism stakeholders....

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